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(241/308) 1740 - Code2HTML does not change variable name color to non-black

When exporting a buffer with a black background using Code2HTML it leaves the CSS for variable names as black, making it impossible to see. This has not always been the case, and I am unsure when it changed.

Old output:
New Output :

Submitted jlmarks - 2013-10-12 03:55:47 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2013-10-12 03:55:48

An older output.

older.html (30.9Kio)

2013-10-12 21:59:50

After looking at the differences between the html output, the different options within Code2HTML, and date that Code2HTML was last updated I am no longer sure that a change preceded this issue. I am choosing to not close the bug as it would be nice to have it fixed either way.